Announcing Leanne Beasleys new BOM Down in the Garden, places are are now open for this beautiful quilt, the price will be $35 p & H incl per month. The fabrics used will be the same as Leanne has used and you can see other pictures of the blocks in the Down in the Garden album in the right hand side. We will also be offering thread packs as Tinkers cart is eagerly awaiting the arrival of the full Cosmo range and also the Cottage Garden threads. Please call or email us on 0747552336, [email protected]to secure your place. Leanne will of course be at Tinkers Cart in Townsville in June for our retreat with Bronwyn Hayes and Rosalie Quinlan.
How do you grow a cheap yet beautiful flower garden?
Posted by: new york mortgage | September 28, 2010 at 03:30 PM